How to Incorporate CBD into Your Meditation Practice

How to Incorporate CBD into Your Meditation Practice - Heavenly Zen

Administer CBD oil: Begin by taking your preferred CBD oil, like Day + CBD Oil, and place a few drops under your tongue. Hold it there for 60-90 seconds to allow the cannabinoids to absorb swiftly into your bloodstream. Sublingual administration is among the most effective methods for CBD uptake. Aim to do this 20-30 minutes before commencing your meditation session.

Set up a serene space: Select a calm and comfortable environment devoid of distractions, preferably leaving your phone in another room. Take a moment to unwind and clear your mind. Sit or lie down in a position that feels comfortable for you, and if preferred, close your eyes.

Tune into your body: Direct your focus towards your body for a few minutes. Take note of your posture and make any necessary adjustments if discomfort arises. Relax your shoulders, soften your jaw, and become aware of the points where your body connects with a surface, whether it's a chair or the floor. If your mind wanders, gently guide your attention back to your body.

Center on your breath: Now that you're settled and relaxed, and the CBD is beginning to take effect, shift your attention to your breathing. Observe your natural breathing rhythm, then take a few deep breaths. If comfortable, inhale slowly through your nose and exhale gradually through your mouth. Counting to 4 during each inhale and exhale can aid in regulating your breath and sustaining focus. As you become more accustomed to this practice, you may extend the duration of your breaths.

Practice mindfulness of thoughts: As you delve deeper into your meditation, pay attention to any thoughts that arise. Whether they're anxious, unpleasant, or negative, accept them as a natural part of the process without judgment. Acknowledge their presence, then let them drift away, harnessing the calming influence of CBD to help you release these thoughts.

Reconnect with your body: As your meditation draws to a close, redirect your awareness back to your body. Begin with gentle movements, such as wiggling your toes and fingers, rotating your wrists and ankles, and slowly transitioning to a seated position or opening your eyes.

Reflect and express gratitude: Take a moment to reflect on your meditation experience and how you feel afterward. Acknowledge any positive shifts, such as reduced stress or heightened focus, that occurred during the session. After reflection, conclude your practice by silently or audibly reciting a mantra affirming relaxation, fulfillment, or readiness for life's offerings

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