Our narrative unfolds in the mid-1990s, when Denis completed his education as a Computer Technician in Montreal. Despite his academic achievements, he found himself burdened by student loan debt at a remarkably young age.
During this era, the commonplace activities included indulging in cannabis, often referred to as "popcorn pot" due to its tendency to pop while being smoked and enjoying Jamaican Red Gum or Romeo and Juliet hash.
Seeking ways to alleviate his financial struggles, Denis encountered a friend who opened his eyes to a unique opportunity. This friend revealed a small laboratory where four flourishing marijuana plants were thriving in the basement.
This encounter marked the inception of a 30-year journey that ultimately led Denis and Heavenly Zen to their present state of success.
Reflecting on this journey, Denis expresses gratitude for both positive and challenging experiences, recognizing that they have contributed to the development of his character and integrity, enriched with knowledge and wisdom.
Having observed various substance use throughout his life, Denis notes that marijuana users consistently stood out for their easy-going nature. Over the years, witnessing advancements in the cannabis industry and the emergence of innovative CBD products, he believes that we are merely scratching the surface of the potential benefits in this new era.
His partner, Daniella, is an avid bodybuilding athlete. Witnessing the challenges she has faced and observing the positive results of using CBD products only reaffirmed the belief that CBD can be beneficial
for a diverse range of individuals.
Heavenly Zen takes pride in being an integral part of the expanding CBD community. Their fervor lies in assisting individuals who believe in the potential of CBD as a tool for enhancing their quality of life, guiding them on a journey toward serenity and inner peace.